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Kari Fraser-Farthing

Certified Consultant

(832) 683-9314

My Story

I am a stay at home mom and I joined Scentsy September 2014. I love the products and what the company stands for and the sister and brother hood that I have. I wanted to get a discount of course but it was more than that. I didn't decide on a whim to join. I wanted to be able to meet other people and share the Scentsy Spirit with them.

I also needed something to help me get over a car accident that my husband our 10 month old [at the time] and I were in. It was bad and well we walked away when some say we should not have. God Proctected us. I still suffer from chronic pain but at that time I felt like my life was on hold. Always waiting on the next Drs ppointment or surgery to happen. I was geting very depressed. I needed something that was going to be a positive in my life. Scentsy was that postive.

Since that time I have been able to have extra money for fun family things to do. Or when money has been tight with having wonderful customers I have been able to help provide when we were lacking. I love my Scentsy family and I'm always waiting for the next wonderful thing that Scentsy offers us. I went to my first Scentsy Family Reunion in July 2016. It was great seeing and meeting all these people that had very similar goals an. excitement. Whle I was there I won FREE Registration for next years Scentsy Family Reunion. I was shocked I had never won anything ever.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my story and I hope it inspires you to try our prducts or even maybe Join this amazing second family. I will promise to help you in any way I can. May you all be very Blessed!

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